A Year of Kognitiv Spark

From humble beginnings with just one HoloLens and a head full of ideas, to a growing business with an exciting product launch on the horizon. It’s been quite a year for Kognitiv Spark!

So here we are, already a year (and a week) into Kognitiv Spark! We’ve come a long way since our launch on August 23rd, 2016, and are now moving on to release our first product: RemoteSpark.

Some of you may be asking, what exactly is RemoteSpark?

RemoteSpark is a holographic worker support platform, designed to maximize the power of AR for delivering task support from experts to workers in the field. Our client application runs on the Microsoft HoloLens, giving the user all the awesome power that this incredible device holds

There’s been immense interest from clients looking to join our Alpha program for RemoteSpark, and we couldn’t be more excited to get it into their hands and out onto the marketplace! We’ve grown a lot while getting this product ready, and we’ve got more growing to do, in team size and our knowledge base, in the year ahead.

With RemoteSpark as the highlight of our journey to date, we’ve had lots of excitement that’s kept us going over the course of the year.

Here’s some other highlights from the past 12 months:

  • Moving into our first office alongside our friends at Orange Sprocket

  • Hiring our first CEO, Yan Simard

  • Completing several AR/HoloLens research projects

  • Growing our development team

  • Presenting alongside guest of Microsoft at several events, including GTEC 2016

  • Being featured as a guest speaker on a Microsoft webinar

  • Growing the awareness of AR and HoloLens everywhere we go, including with my TedX talk on AR

While there’s growing pains and low moments in every company, we’ve got not complaints about the way things have evolved so far at Kognitiv Spark. Our team is continually going above and beyond to get this company to the top, which I know is within our reach. Here’s to the year, and years ahead!



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