Kognitiv Spark Blog


Adam J. Lank Adam J. Lank

Expanding Collaboration with RemoteSpark 2.1 

Discover the latest enhancements in RemoteSpark 2.1, designed to elevate your mixed reality support experience. From multi-party calling and web browser access to 3D linked content and panel lock features, our updates ensure seamless collaboration and enhanced usability for remote experts and end-users alike.

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Kognitiv Spark Kognitiv Spark

Transitioning Mixed Reality Pilots into Essential Deployments

Transitioning mixed reality (MR) pilots into essential deployments requires strategic planning and leadership. As organizations move beyond successful pilot projects, they must scale MR solutions across operations effectively. This article provides actionable insights into building on pilot successes, forming a dedicated MR scale team, strategic deployment planning, and maintaining a scale logbook to track progress and ensure alignment with organizational goals.

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Kognitiv Spark Kognitiv Spark

Selecting the Right Use Case For Your Mixed Reality Pilot

Before a use case can be selected, a pain point and its root cause must be identified. If you don’t already have an immediate problem in mind, take an inventory of specific pain points that impact your operations. Then, factoring in the root causes of these issues, identify the ones that could be solved using AR solutions. Look for process issues that impede the flow of operations.

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Duncan McSporran Duncan McSporran

Knowledge Where You Need It: Surfacing Mixed Reality’s Hidden Value In Providing That Which Can’t Be Trained For

If there is a backstory to Kognitiv Spark and our vision for the use of mixed reality in defence, it was written at the back of my Company laager in the Kuwaiti desert in 2003. Unannounced, the 7th Armoured Brigade Close Support Regiment dropped off racks of Mission Essential Equipment that we had been promised would enhance our operational capability. As one would imagine, my team began to immediately unpack the kit.

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Adam J. Lank Adam J. Lank

Implementing Mixed Reality: Five Steps to Build End-User Buy In

Implementing mixed reality (MR) successfully hinges on securing buy-in from end-users. Our expertise in guiding industrial organizations through MR implementation has distilled five crucial steps to foster this essential support, ensuring seamless integration and maximizing operational benefits.

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