Kognitiv Spark Blog
2018 Microsoft Impact Award Nomination
We are thrilled to be nominated by Microsoft Canada as one of the IMPACT Awards finalists this year. Looking forward to continuing to empower customers with innovative solutions. #MSInspire
Kognitiv Spark on the Docket at NITEC18 Confernce
As one of the ten winners of the NATO Defence Innovation Challenge from among the 29 NATO Nations, Kognitiv Spark took part in NITEC18 last week.
Details for NATO’s largest digital transformation in decades were on full display at the conference which was held in Berlin, Germany.
RemoteSpark Intro Video
Complex equipment that requires timely support during outages, from experts-based thousands of miles away. This scenario is all too familiar for many organizations and one which our new video demonstrates can be better solved for the team at Canada’s largest geotechnical centrifuge, with RemoteSpark.
The Surface Hub is Here!
Just in time for Christmas (and before the snow), a Surface Hub arrives at Kognitiv Spark HQ!
The Customer Roadshow Begins
Kognitiv Spark on tour
Hotels, long flights or miles of highway driving, eating only restaurant food, and living out of a suitcase. Most of us know that feeling of life on the road.
5 Ways AR Became Cooler in Summer 2017
From Star Wars, to music videos, to NFL football, AR showed some really fun potential this summer
A Year of Kognitiv Spark
From humble beginnings with just one HoloLens and a head full of ideas, to a growing business with an exciting product launch on the horizon. It’s been quite a year for Kognitiv Spark!
A Technical Revolution for Engineers and Other Professionals: Mixed Reality
With the advent of mixed reality so fresh in the minds of developers, and yet to fully impact the whole of the professional world, much has yet to be discovered in the way this technology will change the work we do in so many sectors.
Yan Simard’s Next Mountain: Kognitiv Spark
Yan Simard isn’t the kind of person who shies away from scaling a mountain of any height, or any type of rock-face. He’s the type who looks to the top and pushes forward, even if he has to make his own way there.
Big Developments at Microsoft Inspire 2017
While we didn’t attend Microsoft Inspire (Microsoft’s conference for its partner community) this year, there were still some big developments that caught the attention of all of us here at Kognitiv Spark.
Augmenting Maintenance Reality
Commercial aviation will require nearly 700,000 new maintenance technicians over the next 20 years, according to Boeing. Several years of training are required for each new tech, and specialists in complex parts like engines, composites and avionics need further training.
Design Revolution: Microsoft HoloLens and Mixed Reality are Changing how Architects see the World
Gensler, the largest design and architecture firm in the world, is known for its structural marvels, from the gleaming, 2,073-foot Shanghai Tower in China to the world’s first 3D-printed office in Dubai, printed and installed in just 17 days.