Kognitiv Spark Blog


Kognitiv Spark Kognitiv Spark

RemoteSpark: New Functions for Next-Gen Stability

Considering our clients use RemoteSpark in some of the most remote, challenging, and low-bandwidth environments, we’re happy to announce that we’ve added additional robustness and stability to our AR remote guidance solution.

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Kognitiv Spark Kognitiv Spark

An IT Professional’s Guide to Vetting and Deploying Enterprise Augmented Reality Solutions

With every passing year, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality solutions are becoming more commonplace in enterprise environments. Like any new technology, this introduces fresh challenges for organizations and IT departments to solve.

In this report, we will address some of the key challenges and provide an outline for effectively vetting and enrolling AR/MR solutions into your organization.

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Kognitiv Spark Kognitiv Spark

RemoteSpark Focuses on End-User Needs

RemoteSpark, Kognitiv Spark’s flagship mixed reality solution for remote work, is pleased to announce its latest release which includes exciting new features, various updates, and bug fixes.

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Kognitiv Spark Kognitiv Spark

Dirt, Code & Creativity: Kognitiv Spark Devs Having Fun

Construction of RemoteSpark, a mixed reality system for remote worker support, isn’t like coding a traditional web application, analytics processing algorithm, or command-line tool. We’re building a spatial computing application and that comes with unique challenges.

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Kognitiv Spark Kognitiv Spark

Kognitiv Spark and Tech Impact Partner for NB Adoption of Mixed Reality Remote Support

Kognitiv Spark has partnered with the Tech Impact Digital Boost program to assist New Brunswick-based companies in the adoption of its AR platform for industrial remote worker support.

The Fredericton-based tech firm focused on the secure and reliable applications of AR for remote support, has been accepted into the Digital Boost program as a service provider.

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Kognitiv Spark Kognitiv Spark

Maintain Operational Tempo: Mixed Reality Tools for Business Continuity

As we enter the recover and reimagine phases of pandemic response, business continuity and planning are top of mind.

With preliminary measures in place (remote work policies, essential staff only directives, etc.), organizations are now taking a harder look at their continuity practices and resiliency, asking themselves…

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Kognitiv Spark Kognitiv Spark

Guest Blog: Mobile Devices vs the HoloLens for AR

In 2016, a new gadget set the stage for an arms race in the technology of extended reality (XR). The gadget was the Microsoft HoloLens, a bulky, futuristic-looking headset that finally provided the capabilities that other devices had promised but had so far failed to deliver.

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Kognitiv Spark Kognitiv Spark

Technology and Situational Awareness in Crisis Management

A major factor that can indicate the success of an organization operating in challenging conditions is the ability to establish the reality of the situation, carry out necessary planning, initiate relevant actions, and adopt tools and technologies to surmount challenges.

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Kognitiv Spark Kognitiv Spark

Mixed Reality Remote Support for Business Resilience and Recovery

“If we’d got this in place before COVID, we’d still be in production,” so said a Program Director for an organization that had been working hard to implement a mixed reality remote worker support solution prior to the current crisis. A mixture of both frustration and optimism in his voice.

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Kognitiv Spark Kognitiv Spark

Remaining Efficient While Flattening the Curve

One of our industrial partners has shared specifically how it’s adapted to this new normal to ensure that its operations continue to flow, its people and customers are safe and connected, that the company does its part to mitigate the spread of the virus, and that its operations remain efficient.

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Kognitiv Spark Kognitiv Spark

Mixed Reality Authentication for Active Directory

We’ve completed our authentication bridge, known as SparkBridge, for Universal Windows Applications (UWP) for on-premise Active Directory so we can authenticate a HoloLens application against on-premise Active Directory.

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Kognitiv Spark Kognitiv Spark

HoloLens Hygiene: A Guide to Cleaning Your HoloLens

The Microsoft HoloLens is the world’s most powerful Mixed Reality (MR) headset. Organizations around the world are using these devices, and a collection of software solutions, to better connect their workforces, achieve production efficiencies and a host of other benefits.

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